Friday 20 January 2012

For The Love Of Typography

I found this today , and quite honestly have fallen in love with it. It's borderline my new obsession.
The best part is , that this is made of paper. Of all the material out there.. PAPER!
I have spent the day trying to find a way to get myself one.

How amazing is this!

The genius behind this can be found here :

Saturday 14 January 2012

A Little ''Je Ne Sais Quoi''

Now , we are starting off on a great foot.
I can't express how much I love these '' Wall Written Statements''. I am not sure where they came from , but this new sensation is just booming out of control.
Within the past few years there has been a shift in the distribution. What was once only available in high end boutiques is now within arms reach - to anyone , with any kind of budget. It's wonderful!

Meaning not only are these easy to apply stickers cheap and available at a drop of a hat ... they are also just what you need to add a special and extremely modern touch to any room of your house.

A couple of months ago , I came across this wonderful website ( see below for link). This God sent website allows anyone who knows how to shop online the possibility of acquiring these wonderful stickers without even leaving the comfort of their home! What could be better right?  Well get a load of this,there is more good news!!

So not only can you shop and decorate your entire house in your sweat pants with a mug of hot chocolate , you can also create your own , or customise the statements you find. Perfect right?

To begin with you have two standard options . Written statements , or non-written statements.

Before you know it you will find the perfect option  for any room in your house.
Trust me when I say that  within a few minutes on the website you'll see that I mean , ANY room will do.

Don't be surprised if you have the urge to redecorate every room in your house.
Bedroom, nursery,laundry room , rec room, etc. The possibilities are endless.
Once you find it , you can customise it to make sure it will be a perfect match. Colour , text format ...the whole production! 
So you didn't find one that you liked among the hundreds if not thousands of different options out there - No Problem!

You can personalise one with the colours , size and sayings of your choice.
You can use monograms , shapes , trees , a favourite quote, swirls ... anything really.
Let your imagination run wild !
Get ready for it , I'm not done yet!
All this can be yours for anywhere from $50.00-$150.00 all depending on the size you choose.  That's right.. a new look for a bargain of a price! Just the way I like it!
Orders over $50.00 get free shipping to Canada and the United States.

Could it get any better than that?
I really don't think so .
Check it out. Use it . Love it .

Here Goes Nothing.

            After almost a year of writing , I have discovered that I greatly enjoy it. In fact I believe I may have a new a new found passion on my hands.

            Furthermore , I have noticed that I have a wide ray of topics that I love talking about.
I decided I would start this new blog in the hopes of keeping a specific theme with the entries that I post here. As oppose to the '' anything goes'' theme I currently have with my other blog.

           That being said -this blog will be dedicated to all the things I love. Art , fashion , drama, interior design, and pretty much anything that has to do with cooking and baking  are some of the topics you can expect to see on a regular basis.
Long story short when I find great deals , or something unique that I absolutely have to share with someone .. this is where I will do it.

So raise a toast to a new beginning , may you enjoy it as much as I do.
